Thursday, April 20, 2017

Documentum dm_type blocked query

DBA's are noticing dm_type_s update as blocking query during the load and workflows

SR: 71272662 CS-49941: why CS keep run following DQL every two minute and lock object and cause performance issue "update dm_type_s set i_vstamp=i_vstamp where r_object_id='xxx

hotfix for dm_agent_exec provided for this bug and resolved the issue. Client has confirmed and done testing ok to close out

Documentum object type prefix

List of documentum objects ids/ documentum object type prefix
  1. dm_audittrail_attrs = 0; 00 
    1. (also dm_auth_config, dmc_completed_workflow, dmc_completed_workitem, 
    2. dmc_composite_predicate, dmc_module_config, dmc_readcomment, dm_state_type, 
    3. dmc_transition_condition, dmi_wf_attachment, dmi_wf_timer, dmc_workqueue, 
    4. dmc_workqueue_doc_profile, dmc_workqueue_policy, dmc_workqueue_user_profile)  
  2. dmi_session = 1; 01  
  3. dm_object = 2; 02  
  4. dm_type = 3; 03  
  5. dm_collection = 4; 04  
  6. dmr_containment = 5; 05  
  7. dmr_content = 6; 06  
  8. dm_app_ref = 7; 07  
  9. dm_sysobject = 8; 08 
    1. (also dm_acs_config, dm_application, dm_cache_config, 
    2. dm_category_class, dm_ci_config, dmc_comment, dm_component, 
    3. dm_ftindex_agent_config, dm_ftengine_config, dmc_jar, dm_job, 
    4. dm_job_request, dm_job_sequence, dm_ldap_config, dm_locator, 
    5. dm_media_profile, dm_network_location_map, dm_procedure, dm_qual_comp, 
    6. dm_retainer, dmc_richtext, dmc_rps_authority, dmc_rps_base_date, 
    7. dmc_rps_child_strategy, dmc_rps_condition, dmc_rps_contact, 
    8. dmc_rps_disposition_method, dmc_rps_event, dmc_rps_hold, dmc_rps_retainer, 
    9. dmc_rps_retention_policy, dm_script, dm_smart_list, dm_ssa_policy, 
    10. dm_webc_config,dm_webc_target)  
  10. dm_document = 9; 09 
    1. (also dm_docset, dm_docset_run, dm_email_message, dm_esign_template, 
    2. dmc_notepage, dmc_tcf_activity, dmc_tcf_activity_template, dm_xfm_form, 
    3. dm_xfm_instance, dm_xfm_schema, dm_xml_config, dm_xml_custom_code, 
    4. dm_xml_style_sheet, dm_xml_zone)  
  11. dm_query = 10; 0a  
  12. dm_folder = 11; 0b 
    1. (also dmc_aspect_type, dm_category, dmc_java_library, dmc_module, dmc_room, 
    2. dm_taxonomy, dmc_topic, dmc_workqueue_category, dm_xml_application)  
  13. dm_cabinet = 12; 0c  
  14. dm_assembly = 13; 0d  
  15. dm_store = 14; 0e  
  16. dm_fulltext = 15; 0f  
  17. dm_method = 16; 10  
  18. dm_user = 17; 11  
  19. dm_group = 18; 12  
  20. dm_api = 20; 14  
  21. dm_type_manager = 21; 15  
  22. dm_composite = 22; 16  
  23. dm_outputdevice = 23; 17  
  24. dm_router = 24; 18  
  25. dm_registered = 25; 19  
  26. dmi_queue_item = 27; 1b  
  27. dm_verity_coll = 28; 1c  
  28. dm_event = 29; 1d  
  29. dmi_vstamp = 30; 1e  
  30. dmi_index = 31; 1f  
  31. dmi_sequence = 32; 20  
  32. dm_transaction_log = 33; 21  
  33. dm_file = 34; 22  
  34. dmi_otherfile = 35; 23  
  35. dm_verity_index = 36; 24  
  36. dm_inbox = 37; 25  
  37. dmi_registry = 38; 26  
  38. dm_format = 39; 27  
  39. dm_filestore = 40; 28  
  40. dm_netstore = 41; 29  
  41. dm_linkstore = 42; 2a  
  42. dmi_linkrecord = 43; 2b  
  43. dm_distributedstore = 44; 2c  
  44. dmi_replica_record = 45; 2d  
  45. dmi_type_info = 46; 2e  
  46. dm_dump_record = 47; 2f  
  47. dmi_dump_object_record = 48; 30  
  48. dm_load_record = 49; 31  
  49. dmi_load_object_record = 50; 32  
  50. dmi_change_record = 51; 33  
  51. dm_blob_ticket = 52; 34  
  52. dm_staged_document = 53; 35  
  53. dm_dist_comp_record = 54; 36  
  54. dm_relation = 55; 37 
    1. (also dmc_aspect_relation, dm_category_assign, dmc_rps_phase_rel, 
    2. dmc_rps_retainer_event_rel, dm_state_extension, dm_relation_ssa_policy, 
    3. dmc_wf_package_schema)  
  55. dm_relationtype = 56; 38  
  56. dm_location = 58; 3a  
  57. dm_fulltext_index = 59; 3b  
  58. dm_docbase_config = 60; 3c  
  59. dm_server_config = 61; 3d  
  60. dm_mount_point = 62; 3e  
  61. dm_docbroker = 63; 3f  
  62. dm_blobstore = 64; 40  
  63. dm_note = 65; 41  
  64. dm_remotestore = 66; 42  
  65. dm_remoteticket = 67; 43  
  66. dm_docbaseid_map = 68; 44  
  67. dm_acl = 69; 45  
  68. dm_policy = 70; 46  
  69. dm_reference = 71; 47  
  70. dm_recovery = 72; 48  
  71. dmi_package = 73; 49  
  72. dmi_workitem = 74; 4a  
  73. dm_process = 75; 4b  
  74. dm_activity = 76; 4c  
  75. dm_workflow = 77; 4d  
  76. dm_dd_info = 78; 4e  
  77. dm_nls_dd_info = 79; 4f  
  78. dm_domain = 80; 50  
  79. dm_aggr_domain = 81; 51  
  80. dm_expression = 82; 52  
  81. dm_literal_expr = 83; 53  
  82. dm_builtin_expr = 84; 54  
  83. dm_func_expr = 85; 55  
  84. dm_cond_expr = 86; 56  
  85. dm_cond_id_expr = 87; 57  
  86. dmi_expr_code = 88; 58  
  87. dm_key = 89; 59  
  88. dm_value_assist = 90; 5a  
  89. dm_value_list = 91; 5b  
  90. dm_value_query = 92; 5c  
  91. dm_value_func = 93; 5d  
  92. dm_federation = 94; 5e  
  93. dm_audit_trail = 95; 5f 
    1. (also dm_audittrail_acl, dm_audittrail_group)  
  94. dm_extern_store = 96; 60  
  95. dm_extern_file = 97; 61 (also  
  96. dm_extern_url = 98; 62  
  97. dm_extern_free = 99; 63  
  98. dmi_subcontent = 100; 64  
  99. dm_foreign_key = 101; 65  
  100. dm_alias_set = 102; 66  
  101. dm_plugin = 103; 67  
  102. dmi_dd_common_info = 104; 68  
  103. dmi_dd_type_info = 105; 69  
  104. dmi_dd_attr_info = 106; 6a  
  105. dm_display_config = 107; 6b  
  106. dm_scope_config = 108; 6c  
  107. dm_ca_store = 109; 6d  
  108. dm_docuworks = 128; 80   

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